Choosing the right programming language can save you millions. Yet most companies shouldn’t care. A low-level language like C or Rust gives you more control over your resources. More control = efficient resource allocation Efficient resource allocation = lower costs & higher performance. So why isn't everyone writing their programs in C? The granular control over resources comes at a cost. Low-level languages are often more verbose. A program that might take you 5 lines to write in Python can require as many as 50 lines in C. Is it worth a 10x drop in developer productivity to double performance and cut costs by 50%? From what I’ve seen, it’s rarely worth it for the sake of improving costs. The only reason to look at using system-level languages in the cloud is if performance matters a lot. I’ve only seen it make sense in high-frequency trading so far. Do you think using a low-level language is worth it for you?